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Malaysia E-Invoice Solution  
Get LHDN / IRBM Compliant with Melasoft's E-Invoicing Solution 

Let Melasoft handle your LHDN (Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia 'IRBM' / Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri Malaysia) compliance worries. 

Our secure e-invoicing solution simplifies your Malaysia invoicing process and empowers your business growth. 


With our e-compliance experience in 30+ countries and innovative solutions, Melasoft offers a custom solution package tailored to your company's needs! 


Why Choose Melasoft for e-Invoicing in Malaysia?

Save time
with automation.
Meet LDHN requirements easily.
Go paperless,
be eco-friendly.
Grows with your business.
Protect your data.
E-Invoicing Process
If you’re a global company acting in different countries and using a centralized ERP system, Melasoft’s single cockpit multi-country e-invoice solution provides you operational efficiency as well as financial benefits as it minimizes training requirements, support efforts and overall costs.

See how our LDHN-compliant e-invoicing solution can transform your business. 


Click for further information
regarding Malaysia E-Invoicing

Melasoft: Your All-in-One
Malaysia E-Invoicing Partner

Effortlessly navigate LDHN compliance and streamline invoicing across Malaysia. Melasoft's innovative solution offers:

Seamless Integration

Guaranteed Compliance

Global Reach, Local Expertise

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