What is e-Archive ?
The e-Archive solution covers the processes of preparing, sending and archiving invoices that companies cut to non-registered taxpayers to the e-Archive application (B2B) and to tax free consumers (B2C).
In the event that the invoice recipient requests the invoice on paper, the prepared e-Archive invoice is delivered by printing it with the signature of the company official and the company’s logo with color output from any printer.
The invoice can be used as dispatch note if it is written “replaces the dispatch note” on the e-Archive invoice created.
e-Archive has the same legal qualifications as paper invoice.
Melasoft e-Archive Advantages and Features
Ability to manage the whole process via the outgoing invoice cockpit on SAP
Display the invoice on SAP without sending
Easy invoice design by the user
Outgoing invoice cockpit
Ability to integrate with different systems
Sending and receiving invoices via two separate integrators at the same time
Display the invoice as PDF / XLM / HTML via SAP
Ability to authorize transactions
Communication with the Integrator via SSL
Improvements with BADI outputs
Monitoring and reporting via SAP
Logging operations
Adapting to the needs of your company with modern architecture
You can view your e-archive report via SAP