Kazakhstan E-Invoice
All taxpayers in Kazakhstan are required to issue invoices in electronic format for certain goods and services defined in Kazakh law since January 2017 through the government website called IS ESF.
IS ESF is the official system of the State Revenue Committee of Kazakhstan whichenables to issue, process and store invoices in electronic format. IS ESF is used totransfer billing information between customers, suppliers and government.
It is a public information system which enables to issue, send, receive, save, process, transmit and store invoices in electronic format.
E-Invoices are verified by electronic signature.
Melasoft SAP e-Invoice Solution allows you to automatically transfer your invoiceswithin SAP system by using the information of sales invoices registered into the financial system on the IS ESF website, the authorization / authentication keys of the company and the electronic digital signature given by the National CertificateCenter (NCC).
Melasoft e-Invoice solution provides you;
Preparation and analysis for reviewing accounting processes and for the integration with IS ESF
Identifying areas requiring change: SAP systems, mandatory data entry (quality and completeness), policies and procedures for those responsible
Internal controls
Integration of SAP systems with e-Invoice system
End user training