Vietnam started the e-invoicing process in 2018, with the approval of Decree No. 119. According to the new decree, compliance period for companies has been extended to two years. However, ongoing Covid-19 process and other difficult challenges have made the Vietnamese government mandatory to postpone the compulsory use of e-invoices until July 2022 in accordance with the 123/2020 / NI-CP Decree. The decree represents a decisive step for Vietnam to advance digitalization. It designates and makes e-invoicing a common practice in the public and private sector (B2B2G). The aim of the decree is to increase business competitiveness and to combat tax fraud.
What will change on July 1, 2022?
Decree 123/2020 / NI-CP establishes and regulates the two-year e-invoice compliance process for companies and taxpayers in Vietnam, which ends on October 31, 2020. In this context, companies that provide goods/services and taxpayers will need to issue e-invoices. Therefore, invoices printed in paper form will not be valid. To issue an e-invoice, taxpayers must first register on the General Department of Taxation’s (GDT) website and obtain approval. Regulations issued by GDT determine two types of invoices: invoices with GDT ID codes and invoices without GDT ID codes. The identification code is issued by the tax office using the information provided by the taxpayers on the e-invoice. This code must be attached to the e-invoice before it is sent to the recipient.